Account Service
API Reference
Open Direct API Reference Page
Path Table
Method | Path | Description |
GET | /v2/accounts/siwf | Get the Sign In With Frequency Redirect URL |
POST | /v2/accounts/siwf | Process the result of a Sign In With Frequency v2 callback |
GET | /v1/accounts/siwf | Get the Sign In With Frequency configuration |
POST | /v1/accounts/siwf | Request to Sign In With Frequency |
GET | /v1/accounts/{msaId} | Fetch an account given an MSA Id |
GET | /v1/accounts/account/{accountId} | Fetch an account given an Account Id |
GET | /v1/accounts/retireMsa/{accountId} | Get a retireMsa unsigned, encoded extrinsic payload. |
POST | /v1/accounts/retireMsa | Request to retire an MSA ID. |
GET | /v2/delegations/{msaId} | Get all delegation information associated with an MSA Id |
GET | /v2/delegations/{msaId}/{providerId} | Get an MSA's delegation information for a specific provider |
GET | /v1/delegation/{msaId} | Get the delegation information associated with an MSA Id |
GET | /v1/delegation/revokeDelegation/{accountId}/{providerId} | Get a properly encoded RevokeDelegationPayload that can be signed |
POST | /v1/delegation/revokeDelegation | Request to revoke a delegation |
POST | /v1/handles | Request to create a new handle for an account |
POST | /v1/handles/change | Request to change a handle |
GET | /v1/handles/change/{newHandle} | Get a properly encoded ClaimHandlePayload that can be signed. |
GET | /v1/handles/{msaId} | Fetch a handle given an MSA Id |
POST | /v1/keys/add | Add new control keys for an MSA Id |
GET | /v1/keys/{msaId} | Fetch public keys given an MSA Id |
GET | /v1/keys/publicKeyAgreements/getAddKeyPayload | Get a properly encoded StatefulStorageItemizedSignaturePayloadV2 that can be signed. |
POST | /v1/keys/publicKeyAgreements | Request to add a new public Key |
GET | /healthz | Check the health status of the service |
GET | /livez | Check the live status of the service |
GET | /readyz | Check the ready status of the service |
Reference Table
Path Details
- Summary
Get the Sign In With Frequency Redirect URL
credentials?: string[]
permissions?: string[]
callbackUrl: string
- 200 SIWF Redirect URL
// The base64url encoded JSON stringified signed request
signedRequest: string
// A publically available Frequency node for SIWF dApps to connect to the correct chain
frequencyRpcUrl: string
// The compiled redirect url with all the parameters already built in
redirectUrl: string
- Summary
Process the result of a Sign In With Frequency v2 callback
- application/json
// The code returned from the SIWF v2 Authentication service that can be exchanged for the payload. Required unless an `authorizationPayload` is provided.
authorizationCode?: string
// The SIWF v2 Authentication payload as a JSON stringified and base64url encoded value. Required unless an `authorizationCode` is provided.
authorizationPayload?: string
- 200 Signed in successfully
// The ss58 encoded MSA Control Key of the login.
controlKey: string
// The user's MSA Id, if one is already created. Will be empty if it is still being processed.
msaId?: string
// The users's validated email
email?: string
// The users's validated SMS/Phone Number
phoneNumber?: string
// The users's Private Graph encryption key.
graphKey?: #/components/schemas/GraphKeySubject
rawCredentials: {
- Summary
Get the Sign In With Frequency configuration
- 200 Returned SIWF Configuration data
providerId: string
siwfUrl: string
frequencyRpcUrl: string
- Summary
Request to Sign In With Frequency
- application/json
// The wallet login request information
signIn?: #/components/schemas/SignInResponseDto
signUp: {
extrinsics: {
pallet: string
extrinsicName: string
// Hex-encoded representation of the extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
error: {
// Error message
message: string
- 201 Signed in successfully
referenceId: string
msaId?: string
publicKey?: string
- Summary
Fetch an account given an MSA Id
- 200 Found account
msaId: string
handle: {
base_handle: string
canonical_base: string
suffix: number
- Summary
Fetch an account given an Account Id
- 200 Found account
msaId: string
handle: {
base_handle: string
canonical_base: string
suffix: number
- Summary
Get a retireMsa unsigned, encoded extrinsic payload.
- 200 Created extrinsic
// Hex-encoded representation of the "RetireMsa" extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
// payload to be signed
payloadToSign: string
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
- Summary
Request to retire an MSA ID.
- application/json
// Hex-encoded representation of the "RetireMsa" extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
// payload to be signed
payloadToSign: string
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
// signature of the owner
signature: string
- 201 Created and queued request to retire an MSA ID
referenceId: string
- Summary
Get all delegation information associated with an MSA Id
- 200 Found delegation information
msaId: string
delegations: {
providerId: string
schemaDelegations: {
schemaId: number
revokedAtBlock?: number
revokedAtBlock?: number
- Summary
Get an MSA's delegation information for a specific provider
- 200 Found delegation information
msaId: string
delegations: {
providerId: string
schemaDelegations: {
schemaId: number
revokedAtBlock?: number
revokedAtBlock?: number
- Summary
Get the delegation information associated with an MSA Id
- 200 Found delegation information
providerId: string
schemaPermissions: {
revokedAt: {
- Summary
Get a properly encoded RevokeDelegationPayload that can be signed
- 200 Returned an encoded RevokeDelegationPayload for signing
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
// MSA Id of the provider to whom the requesting user wishes to delegate
providerId: string
// Hex-encoded representation of the "revokeDelegation" extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
// payload to be signed
payloadToSign: string
- Summary
Request to revoke a delegation
- application/json
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
// MSA Id of the provider to whom the requesting user wishes to delegate
providerId: string
// Hex-encoded representation of the "revokeDelegation" extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
// payload to be signed
payloadToSign: string
// signature of the owner
signature: string
- 201 Created and queued request to revoke a delegation
referenceId: string
- Summary
Request to create a new handle for an account
- application/json
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
payload: {
// base handle in the request
baseHandle: string
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// proof is the signature for the payload
proof: string
- 200 Handle creation request enqueued
referenceId: string
- 400 Invalid handle provided or provided signature is not valid for the payload!
- Summary
Request to change a handle
- application/json
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
payload: {
// base handle in the request
baseHandle: string
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// proof is the signature for the payload
proof: string
- 200 Handle change request enqueued
referenceId: string
- 400 Invalid handle provided or provided signature is not valid for the payload!
- Summary
Get a properly encoded ClaimHandlePayload that can be signed.
- 200 Returned an encoded ClaimHandlePayload for signing
payload: {
// base handle in the request
baseHandle: string
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// Raw encodedPayload is scale encoded of payload in hex format
encodedPayload: string
- 400 Invalid handle provided
- Summary
Fetch a handle given an MSA Id
- 200 Found a handle
base_handle: string
canonical_base: string
suffix: number
- Summary
Add new control keys for an MSA Id
- application/json
// msaOwnerAddress representing the target of this request
msaOwnerAddress: string
// msaOwnerSignature is the signature by msa owner
msaOwnerSignature: string
// newKeyOwnerSignature is the signature with new key
newKeyOwnerSignature: string
payload: {
// MSA Id of the user requesting the new key
msaId: string
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// newPublicKey in hex format
newPublicKey: string
- 200 Found public keys
referenceId: string
- Summary
Fetch public keys given an MSA Id
- 200 Found public keys
msaKeys: {
- Summary
Get a properly encoded StatefulStorageItemizedSignaturePayloadV2 that can be signed.
msaId: string
newKey: string
- 200 Returned an encoded StatefulStorageItemizedSignaturePayloadV2 for signing
payload: {
actions: {
// Action Item type
// encodedPayload to be added
encodedPayload?: string
// index of the item to be deleted
index?: number
// schemaId related to the payload
schemaId: number
// targetHash related to the stateful storage
targetHash: number
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// Raw encodedPayload to be signed
encodedPayload: string
- Summary
Request to add a new public Key
- application/json
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
payload: {
actions: {
// Action Item type
// encodedPayload to be added
encodedPayload?: string
// index of the item to be deleted
index?: number
// schemaId related to the payload
schemaId: number
// targetHash related to the stateful storage
targetHash: number
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// proof is the signature for the payload
proof: string
- 200 Add new key request enqueued
referenceId: string
- Summary
Check the health status of the service
- 200 Service is healthy
- Summary
Check the live status of the service
- 200 Service is live
- Summary
Check the ready status of the service
- 200 Service is ready
// The base64url encoded JSON stringified signed request
signedRequest: string
// A publically available Frequency node for SIWF dApps to connect to the correct chain
frequencyRpcUrl: string
// The compiled redirect url with all the parameters already built in
redirectUrl: string
// The code returned from the SIWF v2 Authentication service that can be exchanged for the payload. Required unless an `authorizationPayload` is provided.
authorizationCode?: string
// The SIWF v2 Authentication payload as a JSON stringified and base64url encoded value. Required unless an `authorizationCode` is provided.
authorizationPayload?: string
// The id type of the VerifiedGraphKeyCredential.
id: string
// The encoded public key.
encodedPublicKeyValue: string
// The encoded private key. WARNING: This is sensitive user information!
encodedPrivateKeyValue: string
// How the encoded keys are encoded. Only "base16" (aka hex) currently.
encoding: string
// Any addition formatting options. Only: "bare" currently.
format: string
// The encryption key algorithm.
type: string
// The DSNP key type.
keyType: string
// The ss58 encoded MSA Control Key of the login.
controlKey: string
// The user's MSA Id, if one is already created. Will be empty if it is still being processed.
msaId?: string
// The users's validated email
email?: string
// The users's validated SMS/Phone Number
phoneNumber?: string
// The users's Private Graph encryption key.
graphKey?: #/components/schemas/GraphKeySubject
rawCredentials: {
providerId: string
siwfUrl: string
frequencyRpcUrl: string
base_handle: string
canonical_base: string
suffix: number
msaId: string
handle: {
base_handle: string
canonical_base: string
suffix: number
message: string
// Signature of the payload
signature: string
// Error message
message: string
siwsPayload: {
message: string
// Signature of the payload
signature: string
error: {
// Error message
message: string
pallet: string
extrinsicName: string
// Hex-encoded representation of the extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
extrinsics: {
pallet: string
extrinsicName: string
// Hex-encoded representation of the extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
error: {
// Error message
message: string
// The wallet login request information
signIn?: #/components/schemas/SignInResponseDto
signUp: {
extrinsics: {
pallet: string
extrinsicName: string
// Hex-encoded representation of the extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
error: {
// Error message
message: string
referenceId: string
msaId?: string
publicKey?: string
// Hex-encoded representation of the "RetireMsa" extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
// payload to be signed
payloadToSign: string
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
// Hex-encoded representation of the "RetireMsa" extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
// payload to be signed
payloadToSign: string
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
// signature of the owner
signature: string
referenceId: string
schemaId: number
revokedAtBlock?: number
providerId: string
schemaDelegations: {
schemaId: number
revokedAtBlock?: number
revokedAtBlock?: number
msaId: string
delegations: {
providerId: string
schemaDelegations: {
schemaId: number
revokedAtBlock?: number
revokedAtBlock?: number
providerId: string
schemaPermissions: {
revokedAt: {
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
// MSA Id of the provider to whom the requesting user wishes to delegate
providerId: string
// Hex-encoded representation of the "revokeDelegation" extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
// payload to be signed
payloadToSign: string
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
// MSA Id of the provider to whom the requesting user wishes to delegate
providerId: string
// Hex-encoded representation of the "revokeDelegation" extrinsic
encodedExtrinsic: string
// payload to be signed
payloadToSign: string
// signature of the owner
signature: string
// base handle in the request
baseHandle: string
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
payload: {
// base handle in the request
baseHandle: string
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// proof is the signature for the payload
proof: string
payload: {
// base handle in the request
baseHandle: string
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// Raw encodedPayload is scale encoded of payload in hex format
encodedPayload: string
// MSA Id of the user requesting the new key
msaId: string
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// newPublicKey in hex format
newPublicKey: string
// msaOwnerAddress representing the target of this request
msaOwnerAddress: string
// msaOwnerSignature is the signature by msa owner
msaOwnerSignature: string
// newKeyOwnerSignature is the signature with new key
newKeyOwnerSignature: string
payload: {
// MSA Id of the user requesting the new key
msaId: string
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// newPublicKey in hex format
newPublicKey: string
msaKeys: {
"type": "string",
"description": "Action Item type",
"enum": [
// Action Item type
// encodedPayload to be added
encodedPayload?: string
// index of the item to be deleted
index?: number
actions: {
// Action Item type
// encodedPayload to be added
encodedPayload?: string
// index of the item to be deleted
index?: number
// schemaId related to the payload
schemaId: number
// targetHash related to the stateful storage
targetHash: number
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
payload: {
actions: {
// Action Item type
// encodedPayload to be added
encodedPayload?: string
// index of the item to be deleted
index?: number
// schemaId related to the payload
schemaId: number
// targetHash related to the stateful storage
targetHash: number
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// Raw encodedPayload to be signed
encodedPayload: string
// AccountId in hex or SS58 format
accountId: string
payload: {
actions: {
// Action Item type
// encodedPayload to be added
encodedPayload?: string
// index of the item to be deleted
index?: number
// schemaId related to the payload
schemaId: number
// targetHash related to the stateful storage
targetHash: number
// expiration block number for this payload
expiration: number
// proof is the signature for the payload
proof: string