Content Watcher Service

API Reference

Open Full API Reference Page

Path Table

PUT/v1/asset/uploadUpload asset files
POST/v1/content/{msaId}/broadcastCreate DSNP Broadcast for user
POST/v1/content/{msaId}/replyCreate DSNP Reply for user
POST/v1/content/{msaId}/reactionCreate DSNP Reaction for user
PUT/v1/content/{msaId}Update DSNP Content for user
DELETE/v1/content/{msaId}Delete DSNP Content for user
POST/v2/content/{msaId}/on-chainCreate on-chain content for a given schema
POST/v2/content/batchAnnouncementCreate off-chain batch content announcements
PUT/v1/profile/{msaId}Update a user's Profile
GET/healthzCheck the health status of the service
GET/livezCheck the live status of the service
GET/readyzCheck the ready status of the service
GET/dev/request/{jobId}Get a Job given a jobId
POST/dev/dummy/announcement/{queueType}/{count}Create dummy announcement data

Reference Table

Path Details


  • Summary
    Upload asset files


  • multipart/form-data
  files?: string[]


  • 2XX


  assetIds?: string[]


  • Summary
    Create DSNP Broadcast for user


  • application/json
  content: {
    // Text content of the note
    content: string
    // The time of publishing ISO8601
    published: string
    assets: {
      // Determines if this asset is a link
      isLink?: boolean
      references: {
        // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
        referenceId: string
        // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
        height?: number
        // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
        width?: number
        // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
        duration?: string
      // The display name for the file
      name?: string
      // The URL for the given content
      href?: string
    // The display name for the activity type
    name?: string
    tag: {
      // Identifies the tag type
      type: enum[mention, hashtag]
      // The text of the tag
      name?: string
      // Link to the user mentioned
      mentionedId?: string
    location: {
      // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
      units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
      // The display name for the location
      name: string
      // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
      accuracy?: number
      // The altitude of the location
      altitude?: number
      // The latitude of the location
      latitude?: number
      // The longitude of the location
      longitude?: number
      // The area around the given point that comprises the location
      radius?: number


  • 2XX


  referenceId: string


  • Summary
    Create DSNP Reply for user


  • application/json
  // Target DSNP Content URI
  inReplyTo: string
  content: {
    // Text content of the note
    content: string
    // The time of publishing ISO8601
    published: string
    assets: {
      // Determines if this asset is a link
      isLink?: boolean
      references: {
        // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
        referenceId: string
        // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
        height?: number
        // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
        width?: number
        // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
        duration?: string
      // The display name for the file
      name?: string
      // The URL for the given content
      href?: string
    // The display name for the activity type
    name?: string
    tag: {
      // Identifies the tag type
      type: enum[mention, hashtag]
      // The text of the tag
      name?: string
      // Link to the user mentioned
      mentionedId?: string
    location: {
      // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
      units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
      // The display name for the location
      name: string
      // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
      accuracy?: number
      // The altitude of the location
      altitude?: number
      // The latitude of the location
      latitude?: number
      // The longitude of the location
      longitude?: number
      // The area around the given point that comprises the location
      radius?: number


  • 2XX


  referenceId: string


  • Summary
    Create DSNP Reaction for user


  • application/json
  // the encoded reaction emoji
  emoji: string
  // Indicates whether the emoji should be applied and if so, at what strength
  apply: number
  // Target DSNP Content URI
  inReplyTo: string


  • 2XX


  referenceId: string


  • Summary
    Update DSNP Content for user


  • application/json
  // Target announcement type
  targetAnnouncementType: enum[broadcast, reply]
  // Target DSNP Content Hash
  targetContentHash: string
  content: {
    // Text content of the note
    content: string
    // The time of publishing ISO8601
    published: string
    assets: {
      // Determines if this asset is a link
      isLink?: boolean
      references: {
        // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
        referenceId: string
        // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
        height?: number
        // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
        width?: number
        // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
        duration?: string
      // The display name for the file
      name?: string
      // The URL for the given content
      href?: string
    // The display name for the activity type
    name?: string
    tag: {
      // Identifies the tag type
      type: enum[mention, hashtag]
      // The text of the tag
      name?: string
      // Link to the user mentioned
      mentionedId?: string
    location: {
      // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
      units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
      // The display name for the location
      name: string
      // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
      accuracy?: number
      // The altitude of the location
      altitude?: number
      // The latitude of the location
      latitude?: number
      // The longitude of the location
      longitude?: number
      // The area around the given point that comprises the location
      radius?: number


  • 2XX


  referenceId: string


  • Summary
    Delete DSNP Content for user


  • application/json
  // Target announcement type
  targetAnnouncementType: enum[broadcast, reply]
  // Target DSNP Content Hash
  targetContentHash: string


  • 2XX


  referenceId: string


  • Summary
    Create on-chain content for a given schema


  • application/json
  // Schema ID of the OnChain schema this message is being posted to.
  // @example: 16
  schemaId: number
  // Payload bytes encoded as a hex string using the schema defined by `schemaId`
  payload: string
  // The time of publishing ISO8601
  published: string


  • 2XX


  referenceId: string


  • Summary
    Create off-chain batch content announcements


  • application/json
  batchFiles: {
    // Schema ID of batched off-chain content
    schemaId: number
    // Reference ID of off-chain batch file
    referenceId: string


  • 2XX


  referenceId: string


  • Summary
    Update a user's Profile


  • application/json
  profile: {
    icon: {
      // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
      referenceId: string
      // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
      height?: number
      // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
      width?: number
      // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
      duration?: string
    // Used as a plain text biography of the profile
    summary?: string
    // The time of publishing ISO8601
    published?: string
    // The display name for the activity type
    name?: string
    tag: {
      // Identifies the tag type
      type: enum[mention, hashtag]
      // The text of the tag
      name?: string
      // Link to the user mentioned
      mentionedId?: string
    location: {
      // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
      units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
      // The display name for the location
      name: string
      // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
      accuracy?: number
      // The altitude of the location
      altitude?: number
      // The latitude of the location
      latitude?: number
      // The longitude of the location
      longitude?: number
      // The area around the given point that comprises the location
      radius?: number


  • 202


  • Summary
    Check the health status of the service


  • 200 Service is healthy


  • Summary
    Check the live status of the service


  • 200 Service is live


  • Summary
    Check the ready status of the service


  • 200 Service is ready


  • Summary
    Get a Job given a jobId

  • Description
    ONLY enabled when ENVIRONMENT="dev".


  • 200


  • Summary
    Create dummy announcement data

  • Description
    ONLY enabled when ENVIRONMENT="dev".


  • 201



  files?: string[]


  assetIds?: string[]


  // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
  referenceId: string
  // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
  height?: number
  // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
  width?: number
  // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
  duration?: string


  // Determines if this asset is a link
  isLink?: boolean
  references: {
    // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
    referenceId: string
    // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
    height?: number
    // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
    width?: number
    // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
    duration?: string
  // The display name for the file
  name?: string
  // The URL for the given content
  href?: string


  "type": "string",
  "description": "Identifies the tag type",
  "enum": [


  // Identifies the tag type
  type: enum[mention, hashtag]
  // The text of the tag
  name?: string
  // Link to the user mentioned
  mentionedId?: string


  "type": "string",
  "description": "The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)",
  "enum": [


  // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
  units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
  // The display name for the location
  name: string
  // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
  accuracy?: number
  // The altitude of the location
  altitude?: number
  // The latitude of the location
  latitude?: number
  // The longitude of the location
  longitude?: number
  // The area around the given point that comprises the location
  radius?: number


  // Text content of the note
  content: string
  // The time of publishing ISO8601
  published: string
  assets: {
    // Determines if this asset is a link
    isLink?: boolean
    references: {
      // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
      referenceId: string
      // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
      height?: number
      // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
      width?: number
      // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
      duration?: string
    // The display name for the file
    name?: string
    // The URL for the given content
    href?: string
  // The display name for the activity type
  name?: string
  tag: {
    // Identifies the tag type
    type: enum[mention, hashtag]
    // The text of the tag
    name?: string
    // Link to the user mentioned
    mentionedId?: string
  location: {
    // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
    units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
    // The display name for the location
    name: string
    // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
    accuracy?: number
    // The altitude of the location
    altitude?: number
    // The latitude of the location
    latitude?: number
    // The longitude of the location
    longitude?: number
    // The area around the given point that comprises the location
    radius?: number


  content: {
    // Text content of the note
    content: string
    // The time of publishing ISO8601
    published: string
    assets: {
      // Determines if this asset is a link
      isLink?: boolean
      references: {
        // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
        referenceId: string
        // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
        height?: number
        // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
        width?: number
        // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
        duration?: string
      // The display name for the file
      name?: string
      // The URL for the given content
      href?: string
    // The display name for the activity type
    name?: string
    tag: {
      // Identifies the tag type
      type: enum[mention, hashtag]
      // The text of the tag
      name?: string
      // Link to the user mentioned
      mentionedId?: string
    location: {
      // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
      units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
      // The display name for the location
      name: string
      // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
      accuracy?: number
      // The altitude of the location
      altitude?: number
      // The latitude of the location
      latitude?: number
      // The longitude of the location
      longitude?: number
      // The area around the given point that comprises the location
      radius?: number


  referenceId: string


  // Target DSNP Content URI
  inReplyTo: string
  content: {
    // Text content of the note
    content: string
    // The time of publishing ISO8601
    published: string
    assets: {
      // Determines if this asset is a link
      isLink?: boolean
      references: {
        // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
        referenceId: string
        // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
        height?: number
        // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
        width?: number
        // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
        duration?: string
      // The display name for the file
      name?: string
      // The URL for the given content
      href?: string
    // The display name for the activity type
    name?: string
    tag: {
      // Identifies the tag type
      type: enum[mention, hashtag]
      // The text of the tag
      name?: string
      // Link to the user mentioned
      mentionedId?: string
    location: {
      // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
      units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
      // The display name for the location
      name: string
      // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
      accuracy?: number
      // The altitude of the location
      altitude?: number
      // The latitude of the location
      latitude?: number
      // The longitude of the location
      longitude?: number
      // The area around the given point that comprises the location
      radius?: number


  // the encoded reaction emoji
  emoji: string
  // Indicates whether the emoji should be applied and if so, at what strength
  apply: number
  // Target DSNP Content URI
  inReplyTo: string


  "type": "string",
  "description": "Target announcement type",
  "enum": [


  // Target announcement type
  targetAnnouncementType: enum[broadcast, reply]
  // Target DSNP Content Hash
  targetContentHash: string
  content: {
    // Text content of the note
    content: string
    // The time of publishing ISO8601
    published: string
    assets: {
      // Determines if this asset is a link
      isLink?: boolean
      references: {
        // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
        referenceId: string
        // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
        height?: number
        // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
        width?: number
        // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
        duration?: string
      // The display name for the file
      name?: string
      // The URL for the given content
      href?: string
    // The display name for the activity type
    name?: string
    tag: {
      // Identifies the tag type
      type: enum[mention, hashtag]
      // The text of the tag
      name?: string
      // Link to the user mentioned
      mentionedId?: string
    location: {
      // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
      units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
      // The display name for the location
      name: string
      // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
      accuracy?: number
      // The altitude of the location
      altitude?: number
      // The latitude of the location
      latitude?: number
      // The longitude of the location
      longitude?: number
      // The area around the given point that comprises the location
      radius?: number


  // Target announcement type
  targetAnnouncementType: enum[broadcast, reply]
  // Target DSNP Content Hash
  targetContentHash: string


  // Schema ID of the OnChain schema this message is being posted to.
  // @example: 16
  schemaId: number
  // Payload bytes encoded as a hex string using the schema defined by `schemaId`
  payload: string
  // The time of publishing ISO8601
  published: string


  // Schema ID of batched off-chain content
  schemaId: number
  // Reference ID of off-chain batch file
  referenceId: string


  batchFiles: {
    // Schema ID of batched off-chain content
    schemaId: number
    // Reference ID of off-chain batch file
    referenceId: string


  icon: {
    // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
    referenceId: string
    // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
    height?: number
    // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
    width?: number
    // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
    duration?: string
  // Used as a plain text biography of the profile
  summary?: string
  // The time of publishing ISO8601
  published?: string
  // The display name for the activity type
  name?: string
  tag: {
    // Identifies the tag type
    type: enum[mention, hashtag]
    // The text of the tag
    name?: string
    // Link to the user mentioned
    mentionedId?: string
  location: {
    // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
    units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
    // The display name for the location
    name: string
    // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
    accuracy?: number
    // The altitude of the location
    altitude?: number
    // The latitude of the location
    latitude?: number
    // The longitude of the location
    longitude?: number
    // The area around the given point that comprises the location
    radius?: number


  profile: {
    icon: {
      // The unique Id for the uploaded asset
      referenceId: string
      // A hint as to the rendering height in device-independent pixels for image or video assets
      height?: number
      // A hint as to the rendering width in device-independent pixels for image or video asset
      width?: number
      // Approximate duration of the video or audio asset
      duration?: string
    // Used as a plain text biography of the profile
    summary?: string
    // The time of publishing ISO8601
    published?: string
    // The display name for the activity type
    name?: string
    tag: {
      // Identifies the tag type
      type: enum[mention, hashtag]
      // The text of the tag
      name?: string
      // Link to the user mentioned
      mentionedId?: string
    location: {
      // The units for radius and altitude (defaults to meters)
      units?: enum[cm, m, km, inches, feet, miles]
      // The display name for the location
      name: string
      // The accuracy of the coordinates as a percentage.  (e.g. 94.0 means 94.0% accurate)
      accuracy?: number
      // The altitude of the location
      altitude?: number
      // The latitude of the location
      latitude?: number
      // The longitude of the location
      longitude?: number
      // The area around the given point that comprises the location
      radius?: number