
Account Service

The Account Service enables easy interaction with accounts on Frequency. Accounts are defined as an msaId (64-bit identifier) and can contain additional information such as a handle, keys, and more.

  • Account authentication and creation using SIWF
  • Delegation management
  • User Handle creation and retrieval
  • User key retrieval and management

See Account Service Details & API Reference

Graph Service

The Graph Service enables easy interaction with social graphs on Frequency. Each Graph connection on Frequency can be private or public and can be unidirectional (a follow) or bidiectional (double opt-in friend connection).

  • Fetch user graph
  • Update delegated user graphs
  • Watch graphs for external updates

See Graph Service Details & API Reference

Content Publishing Service

The Content Publishing Service enables the creation of new content-related activity on Frequency.

  • Create posts to publicly broadcast
  • Create replies to posts
  • Create reactions to posts
  • Create updates to existing content
  • Request deletion of content
  • Store and attach media with IPFS

See Content Publishing Service Details & API Reference

Content Watcher Service

The Content Watcher Service enables client applications to process content found on Frequency by registering for webhook notifications, triggered when relevant content is found, eleminating the need to interact with the chain for new content.

  • Parses and validates Frequency content
  • Filterable webhooks
  • Scanning control

See Content Watcher Service Details & API Reference