Fast Single Sign On with SIWF v2 with Account Service


Sign In With Frequency (SIWF v2) is quick, user-friendly, decentralized authentication using the Frequency blockchain. Coupled with the Account Service, this provides fast and secure SSO across applications by utilizing cryptographic signatures to verify user identities without complex identity management systems.

Key benefits:

  • Decentralized authentication
  • Integration with the identity system on Frequency
  • Support for multiple credentials (e.g., email, phone)
  • Secure and fast user onboarding


Setup Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will set up a Sign In With Frequency button for use with Testnet, which will enable you to acquire onboarded, authenticated users with minimal steps.


Ensure you have:


  1. Application creates a signed request SIWF URL that contains a callback URL.
  2. User clicks a button that uses the signed request URL.
  3. User visits the SIWF v2 compatible service (e.g. Frequency Access).
  4. User is processed by the service.
  5. User returns with the callback URL.
  6. Application has the Account Service validate and process registration on Frequency if needed.
  7. User is authenticated.

Step 1: Generate a SIWF v2 Signed Request

The User will be redirected to a service for generating their signed authentication.

Option A: Static Callback and Permissions

If a static callback and permissions are all that is required, a static Signed Request may be generated and used: Signed Request Generator Tool

Option B: Dynamic Callback or Permissions

A dynamic signed request allows for user-specific callbacks. While this is not needed for most applications, some situations require it.

The Account Service provides an API to generate the Signed Request URL:

Remember that the Account Service is NOT meant to be an externally exposed service. It should be configured in an appropriately isolated network environment, and your Application backend will need to make the call securely.
curl -X GET "https://account-service.internal/v2/accounts/siwf?callbackUrl="

Selecting Permissions for Delegation

Permissions define the actions that you as the Application can perform on behalf of the user. They are based on Schemas published to Frequency.

See list of SIWF v2 Available Delegations.

Requesting Credentials

SIWF v2 supports requesting validated credentials such as a phone number, email, and private graph keys.

See list of SIWF v2 Credentials.

Step 2: Forward the User for Authentication

Redirect the user to the URL obtained from the previous step:

window.location.href = '""';

For mobile applications, use an embedded browser to handle the redirection smoothly with minimal impact on user experience.

Step 3: Handle the Callback

After the user completes authentication, Frequency Access or other SIWF v2 Service will redirect the user to your callbackUrl with either an authorizationCode or authorizationPayload.

The Account Service provides an API to validate and process the SIWF v2 authorization:

Remember that the Account Service is NOT meant to be an externally exposed service. It should be configured in an appropriately isolated network environment, and your Application backend will need to make the call securely.
curl -X POST "https://account-service.internal/v2/accounts/siwf" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "authorizationCode": "received-code",

The response will include the user's credentials, control key, and more:

  "controlKey": "f6cL4wq1HUNx11TcvdABNf9UNXXoyH47mVUwT59tzSFRW8yDH",
  "msaId": "314159265358979323846264338",
  "email": "",
  "phoneNumber": "555-867-5309",
  "graphKey": "555-867-5309",
  "rawCredentials": [
      "@context": [
      "type": [
      "issuer": "",
      "validFrom": "2024-08-21T21:28:08.289+0000",
      "credentialSchema": {
        "type": "JsonSchema",
        "id": ""
      "credentialSubject": {
        "id": "did:key:z6QNucQV4AF1XMQV4kngbmnBHwYa6mVswPEGrkFrUayhttT1",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "lastVerified": "2024-08-21T21:27:59.309+0000"
      "proof": {
        "type": "DataIntegrityProof",
        "verificationMethod": "",
        "cryptosuite": "eddsa-rdfc-2022",
        "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
        "proofValue": "z4jArnPwuwYxLnbBirLanpkcyBpmQwmyn5f3PdTYnxhpy48qpgvHHav6warjizjvtLMg6j3FK3BqbR2nuyT2UTSWC"
      "@context": [
      "type": [
      "issuer": "did:key:z6QNucQV4AF1XMQV4kngbmnBHwYa6mVswPEGrkFrUayhttT1",
      "validFrom": "2024-08-21T21:28:08.289+0000",
      "credentialSchema": {
        "type": "JsonSchema",
        "id": ""
      "credentialSubject": {
        "id": "did:key:z6QNucQV4AF1XMQV4kngbmnBHwYa6mVswPEGrkFrUayhttT1",
        "encodedPublicKeyValue": "0xb5032900293f1c9e5822fd9c120b253cb4a4dfe94c214e688e01f32db9eedf17",
        "encodedPrivateKeyValue": "0xd0910c853563723253c4ed105c08614fc8aaaf1b0871375520d72251496e8d87",
        "encoding": "base16",
        "format": "bare",
        "type": "X25519",
        "keyType": "dsnp.public-key-key-agreement"
      "proof": {
        "type": "DataIntegrityProof",
        "verificationMethod": "did:key:z6MktZ15TNtrJCW2gDLFjtjmxEdhCadNCaDizWABYfneMqhA",
        "cryptosuite": "eddsa-rdfc-2022",
        "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
        "proofValue": "z2HHWwtWggZfvGqNUk4S5AAbDGqZRFXjpMYAsXXmEksGxTk4DnnkN3upCiL1mhgwHNLkxY3s8YqNyYnmpuvUke7jF"

Step 4: Initiate a User Session

There are two identifiers included with the response. The controlKey will always be returned and can be considered unique for the user for this authentication session. The msaId is the unique identifier of an account on Frequency, but it may not be available immediately if the user is new to Frequency (See Waiting for an MSA Id below).

At this point the user is authenticated! Your application should initiate a session and follow standard session management practices.

Waiting for an MSA Id

If you want to wait for confirmation that the Account Service has (if needed) created an MSA Id for the user, you may use this pair of APIs to confirm it:

Behind the Scenes

What's happening in each of these systems?

SIWF v2 Service

Connects or provides the user's wallet to sign the needed payloads to prove they are the controller of their account.

Learn more about the SIWF v2 Specification.

Account Service

  1. Generates a signed SIWF v2 URL using a Provider Control Key.
  2. Retrieves and validates the response from the SIWF v2 Callback URL.


Provides the source of truth and unique identifiers for each account so that accounts are secure.