Community Resources


All Gateway code is open source, and you are welcome to participate in its development.

Many of the Gateway related tools are also open source:


Frequency is built using the Polkadot SDK. Most Polkadot SDK (also called Substrate) tooling works with Frequency.


IPFS (the InterPlanetary File System) is a peer-to-peer network and protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open. It uses "content-based addressing" which allows content to move to different servers and act as a distributed CDN on demand. While most users rely on providers to maintain the availability of files, users may move services and providers may help them to maintain the availability of their content.


Gateway is built using DSNP (Decentralized Social Media Protocol).

Project Liberty

Project Liberty is a contributor to the Frequency ecosystem and the maintainer of the open source Gateway tool.