Possible Payloads

Each response may have one or more of the following signed payloads.


The signature is generated by signing the UTF-8 bytes of payload.message using Sr25519.

See Response Payloads: Login for more details.


Example is signed using f6akufkq9Lex6rT8RCEDRuoZQRgo5pWiRzeo81nmKNGWGNJdJ which is the SS58 (Prefix 90) public key from the seed phrase //Bob.

  "signature": {
    "algo": "Sr25519",
    "encoding": "base16",
    "encodedValue": "0x84a4e03344b07d64087ebdf47b2c8c679aa7de78179689988992609f1b83c34f6086c7de99ef41c5325cce64d148624e716c605d355f22d1281f6d23f546f584"
  "type": "login",
  "payload": {
    "message": "localhost wants you to sign in with your Frequency account:\nf6akufkq9Lex6rT8RCEDRuoZQRgo5pWiRzeo81nmKNGWGNJdJ\n\n\n\nURI: https://testnet.frequencyaccess.com/signin/confirm\nNonce: N6rLwqyz34oUxJEXJ\nIssued At: 2024-03-05T23:18:03.041Z\nExpiration Time: 2060-03-05T23:23:03.041Z"

Add Provider

This payload follows the AddProvider type from Frequency. It has the same payload for two different endpoint extrinsics: createSponsoredAccountWithDelegation used for creating a new MSA on chain and grantDelegation which is used to grant a new provider permissions on an existing MSA.

The signature is generated by signing the SCALE-encoded payload using Sr25519.


Example is signed using f6akufkq9Lex6rT8RCEDRuoZQRgo5pWiRzeo81nmKNGWGNJdJ which is the SS58 (Prefix 90) public key from the seed phrase //Bob.

  "signature": {
    "algo": "Sr25519",
    "encoding": "base16",
    "encodedValue": "0x94156d570b29e9c4e3a04eefbff56439f40de7fb6bdba1ca31e9017b55e5e773f747d0ab4f0fc2b44ca903aa8fb641f227fac395e74bb1d837d07cfa70fa1e80"
  "endpoint": {
    "pallet": "msa",
    "extrinsic": "grantDelegation"
  "type": "addProvider",
  "payload": {
    "authorizedMsaId": 1,
    "schemaIds": [
    "expiration": 24

SCALE Payload Type

  authorizedMsaId: 'u64',
  schemaIds: 'Vec<u16>',
  expiration: 'u32',

Claim Handle

This payload follows the ClaimHandlePayload type from Frequency.

The signature is generated by signing the SCALE-encoded payload using Sr25519.


Example is signed using f6akufkq9Lex6rT8RCEDRuoZQRgo5pWiRzeo81nmKNGWGNJdJ which is the SS58 (Prefix 90) public key from the seed phrase //Bob.

  "signature": {
    "algo": "Sr25519",
    "encoding": "base16",
    "encodedValue": "0xc8c7587ef80b6bd64295d63b69f97196a9a0b635bd8f1974156d7e3c7206134bb9838d29978a2f91c18a6592aff180f2314db7528b6aac796f0073d758406e81"
  "endpoint": {
    "pallet": "handles",
    "extrinsic": "claimHandle"
  "type": "claimHandle",
  "payload": {
    "baseHandle": "ExampleHandle",
    "expiration": 24

SCALE Payload Type

  baseHandle: 'Bytes',
  expiration: 'u32',

User Item Actions

This payload follows the ItemizedSignaturePayloadV2 type from Frequency.

The signature is generated by signing the SCALE-encoded payload using Sr25519.


Example is signed using f6akufkq9Lex6rT8RCEDRuoZQRgo5pWiRzeo81nmKNGWGNJdJ which is the SS58 (Prefix 90) public key from the seed phrase //Bob.

  "signature": {
    "algo": "Sr25519",
    "encoding": "base16",
    "encodedValue": "0x86bdd46a5f91ed3f259374f5856fdc48ee00b8eced10eecd05af8d7637c51d17df6252f617feacbce1cf91cc57ca036c69773ab9b0c31d6843344704b4fb898d"
  "endpoint": {
    "pallet": "statefulStorage",
    "extrinsic": "applyItemActionsWithSignatureV2"
  "type": "itemActions",
  "payload": {
    "schemaId": 7,
    "targetHash": 0,
    "expiration": 20,
    "actions": [
        "type": "addItem",
        "payloadHex": "0x40eea1e39d2f154584c4b1ca8f228bb49ae5a14786ed63c90025e755f16bd58d37"

SCALE Payload Types

  PalletStatefulStorageItemActionEnumAdd: {
    data: 'Bytes',
  PalletStatefulStorageItemActionEnumDelete: {
    index: 'u16',
  PalletStatefulStorageItemAction: {
    _enum: {
      Add: '<PalletStatefulStorageItemActionEnumAdd>',
      Delete: '<PalletStatefulStorageItemActionEnumDelete>',
  PalletStatefulStorageItemizedSignaturePayloadV2: {
    schemaId: 'Compact<u16>',
    targetHash: 'Compact<u32>',
    expiration: 'u32',
    actions: 'Vec<PalletStatefulStorageItemAction>',