Content Watcher Service

The Content Watcher Service monitors and retrieves the latest feed state, including content updates, reactions, and other user interactions on the Frequency network. It ensures that applications can stay up-to-date with the latest content and user activity.

API Reference

Open Full API Reference Page

Path Table

POST/v1/scanner/resetReset blockchain scan to a specific block number or offset from the current position
GET/v1/scanner/optionsGet the current watch options for the blockchain content event scanner
POST/v1/scanner/optionsSet watch options to filter the blockchain content scanner by schemas or MSA Ids
POST/v1/scanner/pausePause the blockchain scanner
POST/v1/scanner/startResume the blockchain content event scanner
POST/v1/searchSearch for DSNP content by id, start/end block, and filters
PUT/v1/webhooksRegister a webhook to be called when new content is encountered on the chain
DELETE/v1/webhooksClear all previously registered webhooks
GET/v1/webhooksGet the list of currently registered webhooks
GET/healthzCheck the health status of the service
GET/livezCheck the live status of the service
GET/readyzCheck the ready status of the service

Reference Table

AnnouncementTypeName#/components/schemas/AnnouncementTypeNameAnnouncement types to send to the webhook

Path Details


  • Summary
    Reset blockchain scan to a specific block number or offset from the current position


  • application/json
  // The block number to reset the scanner to
  blockNumber?: number
  // Number of blocks to rewind the scanner to (from `blockNumber` if supplied; else from latest block)
  rewindOffset?: number
  // Whether to schedule the new scan immediately or wait for the next scheduled interval
  immediate?: boolean


  • 201


  • Summary
    Get the current watch options for the blockchain content event scanner


  • 200


  schemaIds?: number[]
  dsnpIds?: string[]


  • Summary
    Set watch options to filter the blockchain content scanner by schemas or MSA Ids


  • application/json
  schemaIds?: number[]
  dsnpIds?: string[]


  • 201


  • Summary
    Pause the blockchain scanner


  • 201


  • Summary
    Resume the blockchain content event scanner


immediate?: boolean


  • 201


  • Summary
    Search for DSNP content by id, start/end block, and filters


  • application/json
  // An optional client-supplied reference ID by which it can identify the result of this search
  clientReferenceId?: string
  // The block number to search (backward) from
  startBlock?: number
  // The number of blocks to scan (backwards)
  blockCount: number
  // The schemaIds/dsnpIds to filter by
  filters?: #/components/schemas/ChainWatchOptionsDto
  // A webhook URL to be notified of the results of this search
  webhookUrl: string


  • 200 Returns a jobId to be used to retrieve the results


  "type": "string"


  • Summary
    Register a webhook to be called when new content is encountered on the chain


  • application/json
  // Webhook URL
  url: string
  // Announcement types to send to the webhook
  announcementTypes?: enum[tombstone, broadcast, reply, reaction, profile, update][]


  • 200


  • Summary
    Clear all previously registered webhooks


  • 200


  • Summary
    Get the list of currently registered webhooks


  • 200 Returns a list of registered webhooks


  // Webhook URL
  url: string
  // Announcement types to send to the webhook
  announcementTypes?: enum[tombstone, broadcast, reply, reaction, profile, update][]


  • Summary
    Check the health status of the service


  • 200 Service is healthy


  • Summary
    Check the live status of the service


  • 200 Service is live


  • Summary
    Check the ready status of the service


  • 200 Service is ready



  // The block number to reset the scanner to
  blockNumber?: number
  // Number of blocks to rewind the scanner to (from `blockNumber` if supplied; else from latest block)
  rewindOffset?: number
  // Whether to schedule the new scan immediately or wait for the next scheduled interval
  immediate?: boolean


  schemaIds?: number[]
  dsnpIds?: string[]


  // An optional client-supplied reference ID by which it can identify the result of this search
  clientReferenceId?: string
  // The block number to search (backward) from
  startBlock?: number
  // The number of blocks to scan (backwards)
  blockCount: number
  // The schemaIds/dsnpIds to filter by
  filters?: #/components/schemas/ChainWatchOptionsDto
  // A webhook URL to be notified of the results of this search
  webhookUrl: string


  "type": "string",
  "description": "Announcement types to send to the webhook",
  "enum": [


  // Webhook URL
  url: string
  // Announcement types to send to the webhook
  announcementTypes?: enum[tombstone, broadcast, reply, reaction, profile, update][]


ℹ️ Feel free to adjust your environment variables to taste. This application recognizes the following environment variables:

API_PORTHTTP port that the application listens on1025 - 655353000
BLOCKCHAIN_SCAN_INTERVAL_SECONDSHow many seconds to delay between successive scans of the chain for new content (after end of chain is reached)> 012
CACHE_KEY_PREFIXPrefix to use for Redis cache keysstringcontent-watcher:
FREQUENCY_URLBlockchain node addresshttp(s): or ws(s): URLY
IPFS_BASIC_AUTH_SECRETIf required for read requests, put Infura auth token here, or leave blank for default Kubo RPCstringNblank
IPFS_BASIC_AUTH_USERIf required for read requests, put Infura Project ID here, or leave blank for default Kubo RPCstringNblank
IPFS_GATEWAY_URLIPFS gateway URL '[CID]' is a token that will be replaced with an actual content IDURL templateY
QUEUE_HIGH_WATERMax number of jobs allowed on the queue before blockchain scan will be paused to allow queue to drain>= 1001000
REDIS_URLConnection URL for RedisURLY
STARTING_BLOCKBlock number from which the service will start scanning the chain> 01
WEBHOOK_FAILURE_THRESHOLDNumber of failures allowed in the provider webhook before the service is marked down> 03
WEBHOOK_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDSNumber of seconds between provider webhook retry attempts when failing> 010

Best Practices

  • Efficient Polling: Implement efficient polling mechanisms to minimize load on the service.
  • Webhook Security: Secure webhooks by verifying the source of incoming requests.
  • Rate Limiting: Apply rate limiting to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage of the service.